Moving Fonts (လႈပ္႐ွားေနေသာ စာလံုးမ်ား)
စာလံုးေလးေတြ လႈပ္႐ွား ၊ေ႐ြ႕လ်ားဖို႕ <marquee> tag ကိုအသံုးျပဳမည္။
(1)Settings of the scrolling section
(a) width="pixels or % " for size of the width
(b) height="pixels or % " for size of the height
(c) hspace="pixels " for horizontal space
(d) vspace="pixels " for vertical space
(e) bgcolor=" color code or name" for background color
(2) Settings of the movement
(a)behavior (default is scroll)
(i) behavior="scroll " for scrolling text
(ii) behavior="slide" for sliding text
(iii)behavior="alternate" for bounce back and forth
(b) direction(default is left)
(i)direction="left" - it moves left(ညာမွဘယ္သို႔ေ႐ြ႕သည္။)
(ii)direction="right" - it moves right (ဘယ္မွညာသို႔ေ႐ြ႕သည္။)
(iii)direction="up" - it moves up (ေအာက္ မွအေပၚ သို႔ေ႐ြ႕သည္။)
(iv)direction="down" - it moves down (အေပၚမွေအာက္သို႔ေ႐ြ႕သည္။)
(3) loop (default is infinity)
loop=" number " number of the loops
(4) scrollamount (Speed of motion) (default is 6)
(i) scrollamount="number"
high value = fast | low value = slow
ကဲ Example: ေတြၾကည္႔ရေအာင္။
Continuous scrolling text:
အဆက္မျပတ္ေ႐ြ႕လ်ားေနေသာ စာလံုးမ်ားအတြက္ behavior="scroll" direction=" " ကိုအသံုးျပဳပါမည္။
direction="left " ဟုဆိုလွ်င္ စာလံုးေလးမ်ားသည္ သတ္မွတ္ထားေသာဧရိယာတြင္ ညာမွဘယ္သို႕ေ႐ြ႕လ်ားလာၿပီး သတ္မွတ္ဧရိယာဆံုးလွ်င္ ညာမွျပန္လည္ထြက္ေပၚလာ၍ အဆက္မျပတ္သြားေနမည္။
This marquee causes the text to scroll continuously from right to left. Once it disappears from the left, it re-appears from the right.
Code | Result |
Code ဇယားထဲက code ေတြကို Notepad ေပၚ Copy ယူၿပီး Save As လုပ္ Run ၾကည္႔ပါ။
က်န္ေသာ direction=" " (right , up , down ) ေျပာင္းၿပီး Run ၾကည္႔ပါ။
ေနာက္သင္ခန္းစာမွာ က်န္ေသာmarquee(Attributes)မ်ားကိုဆက္လက္ေဖာ္ျပပါမည္။
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